Johnny Moffitt

Texas Hill Country Experience

Texas Hill Country Experience

With Johnny and Betty Moffitt

Saturday April 27th 2024 in Burnet, TX

Dr. Johnny & Betty Moffitt of Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness

Dr. Johnny & Betty Moffitt of Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness

Join us for an afternoon of fun on a Texas Longhorn Ranch

Join us for an afternoon of fun on a Texas Longhorn Ranch

We would like to invite you to join us for an unforgettable time together in the beautiful Texas Hill Country. This will be a day of fun you won’t want to miss.

The Board of Directors of Worldwide Voice in the Wilderness invite you and your friends and family to join us Saturday, April 27th, at the Humphries Longhorn Cattle Ranch, at 880 County Road 108

Burnet, TX 78611 in Burnet, Texas.


The party starts at 3:00pm with fishing, bar-b-que, music, and sharing meaningful time with Johnny & Betty.

Come and have a wonderful time at the ranch for the WVIW party.

Bring your fishing poles and your lawn chairs for a great day of fun and beauty.  See all the events around the city square.  Drive through the hill country and see the bluebonnets in full bloom. 

Send Us A Message to RSVP Today!


Hotels in Burnet, TX”


Bluebonnet Festival

40th Annual Bluebonnet Festival

The Most Exciting 
Small-Town Festival in Texas!


“Always taking place the second weekend in April, the Bluebonnet Festival draws 30,000 people annually to Burnet, Texas. Each year, activities are added to keep the festival exciting for first time visitors as well as repeat festival fans. Once you have attended your first Bluebonnet Festival, you’ll be hooked.”

Join us April 8-10th for a Texas Hill Country Experience with Johnny & Betty Moffitt!

Where’s Burnet?


“The weekend is full of activities sure to please all ages. There’s something for everyone such as live music, a carnival, food, races of all kinds, and lots and lots of shopping. You’re sure to find an activity or two everyone can enjoy.”

Texas Hill Country Experience

With Johnny and Betty Moffitt

April 8th, 2023 in Burnet, TX

Dr. Johnny & Betty Moffitt of Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness

Dr. Johnny & Betty Moffitt of Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness

We would like to invite you to join us for an unforgettable time together in the beautiful Texas Hill Country. This will be a day of fun you won’t want to miss.

Send Us A Message to RSVP Today!


Festival info and lodging


41st Anniversary Celebration Banquet

2019 Cuba Trip Recap

We are so glad to have an amazing team of teachers, pastors, and missionaries who consistently travel to Cuba with us. We are especially happy to have such a wonderful group of supporters and financial partners here who continue to send us so we can share the good news. stay tuned for updates.

Cuba Update 

By: Dr. Johnny Moffitt


Once again God moved in a powerful way in Cuba. Our team was great. Each one was anointed by God to deliver just the right word.

Many lives were changed and pastors were encouraged to keep preaching Jesus, even under much difficulty. 

This is Cuba’s time. We must keep building up the spiritual leaders of this nation and helping them to carry on. Please pray for Cuba.


Thank you for all you do to help WVIW carry the love of God and the message of Jesus Christ to the least of these—the oppressed—and the special gospel workers in very tough circumstances.  It is because you care that we are able to go.  May God richly bless you.

If you can help us with a financial gift, please go to our web site,

You can mail your gift to WVIW, PO Box 740273, Dallas, Texas 75374

41st Anniversary Celebration Banquet

Mark your calendar for September 13, 2019, for our 41st Anniversary Celebration, with very special guest, Kemp Holden. 

Watch for time and location to be announced soon.

Kemp Holden, Chairman, Worldwide Evangelism

Kemp Holden, Chairman, Worldwide Evangelism

KEMP HOLDEN began ministering on the streets of San Antonio, Texas, to young soldiers leaving for the Vietnam War. While attending Bible School in San Antonio, he met the “love of his life” Carol, and they were married at a young age in 1964. Their passion for missions placed them in Jamaica where they built a church and a school. Returning to the U.S. they planted a church “Harvest Time,” in Fort Smith, Arkansas, where they pastored for 38 ½ years. Now he and Carol live in Gulf Shores, Alabama. They have two daughters and son-in-laws, who have given them four incredible grandchildren-the joy of their lives!


Marriage Seminar Testimonial 2019

 “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” —Hebrews4:16

Our Marriage Seminars continue to make a difference in so many lives of the couples who are in the Texas prison system.  Here is just an example of the results we are seeing.

Hi Betty,

It's been 3 years since my husband and I last saw you and your husband at the Wynne Unit in Huntsville! Just wanted to share that my husband and I are legally married, we are stronger than ever in our commitment and vows. God has blessed us tremendously. I am now the next leader for a KAIROS Outside for Woman in Central Texas.God has used my life in KAIROS Woman's Ministry and Immanuel Motorcycle Ministry. Immanuel MM goes the the Ney unit sharing the gospel. I go and share my testimony of how being a wife, mom and sister to the one's I love who are incarcerated. My husband and I still remember our first encounter as a couple and going through the Marriage seminar. I still remember the 3%,we are going strong as Jesus leads and we follow. My husband has become an amazing Man. In the last 3 years we have never encountered another ministry like WVIW. My husband is now at the Torres Unit and he has taken what he learned and imparts that to these men who's marriages are falling apart. God is good! You all are in our prayers...”


We are grateful for stories like these because they encourage us to keep going. We know God has placed families in our lives to be both a blessing to and to be blessed by. We hope you will pray with us for more opportunities in 2019 to encounter couples who need a testimony like the one above.

We have a big year ahead of us and we are counting on you to help us reach as many people as possible.  


God Bless You, 

— Johnny  

International Update

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord
— Romans 8:37-39 (NIV)

By: Dr. Johnny Moffitt

This passage of scripture is one of my favorites.  Paul is telling us who we are when tough times come or hard things happen.  “We are more than conquerors.”  He could say that because he had experienced persecution, distress, calamity, suffering, hunger, affliction, and tribulation; and those experiences qualified him to speak out.  In all this he was victorious…an overcomer…more than a conqueror.

We are More Than Conquerers

Paul knew Christ lived in him, and Christ in him was the hope of glory.  We have that same Christ in us, which becomes our hope. We do not have to be afraid of what may come.  Perfect love casts out fear, and Christ in us is perfect love. Yes, even in the midst of all that is going on in our lives, we can have peace, just like Paul.

God’s perfect love removes any and all fear in the midst of our troubles.  Do not be afraid. Take your eyes off of your situation or what is to come, and look to Him who loves us.  Nothing in all creation will be able to separate you from His love. It is His perfect gift to you, and it never fails!

This month has been a special time of blessing for WVIW.  

I conducted a Manhood Seminar in the LaBlanc Prison in Beaumont, Texas.  Although this was my first time in this prison, I saw many men I had met in other Texas prisons.  When you have been going to these prisons as long as I have, you are bound to see men in different prisons.  They become not only people we minister to, but also friends.

We try to live lives victoriously before these men so that they might see that Christ in them can bring them that same hope.  They can be more than conquerors…victorious…and overcomers. That same God who lived in Paul, lives in us, and can live in them.

Pray for us as we host a Marriage Seminar in the Gibb Lewis Prison this month.  We are also getting ready to take a team back to Cuba in December, and a team to the prisons of Honduras in February.  We know in all this we are overcomers…victorious…and more than conquerors.

Thank you for all you do to help WVIW carry the love of God and the message of Jesus Christ to the least of these—the oppressed—and the special gospel workers in very tough circumstances.  It is because you care that we are able to go.  May God richly bless you.

If you can help us close out 2018 with a financial gift, please go to our donation site,, and do so by December 31 in order to receive tax credit in 2018. 

You can mail your gift to WVIW, PO Box 740273, Dallas, Texas 75374, by midnight December 31.  


International Prison Ministry in Honduras with Connect Global


We will be training prison leaders in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.


February 6-12 | $2275 from Tampa International Airport

Tegucigalpa, Honduras 

 Trip includes a ministry tour of local churches and prison outreach opportunities in Tegucigalpa, (The Capital City).

Connect Global will be joined by Johnny Moffitt, of Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness Prison Ministry , and several other Pastors, Missionaries and Prison Ministers.



40th Anniversary Celebration Banquet

Dear Friends and Partners, 

Thank you for 40 wonderful years~

Dr. Johnny & Betty Moffitt of Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness

Dr. Johnny & Betty Moffitt of Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness


Thank You all for coming and celebrating with us. We had a wonderful time together with each one of you. This ministry is all about our relationship to you and to those God has given us to minister to together. Pray with us now as fervently as ever for God to give us that mountain!


Our Special Guest Speaker - Dr. Mark Rutland

40th Anniversary Celebration Banquet

Friday, September 14th, 2018

Dr. Johnny & Betty Moffitt of Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness

Dr. Johnny & Betty Moffitt of Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness

Dr. Mark Rutland, Our Special Guest Speaker

Please be our guest at our: 





900 E Lookout Dr, Richardson, TX 75082

Dr. Mark Rutland

Our Special Guest Speaker, Dr. Mark Rutland Dr. Mark Rutland is a pastor, speaker, and New York Times bestselling author and columnist for Ministry Today magazine. He is president of both the National Institute of Christian Leadership and Global Servants. Dr. Rutland also serves on the preaching team at Jentezen Franklin's Free Chapel Church. He is a frequent guest on The 700 Club, TBN, James Robison's LIFE Today, Daystar, and 100 Huntley Street. His radio program is the number one Christian teaching broadcast in Atlanta. Mark lives with his wife, Alison, in Atlanta, Georgia. ,


SEPTEMBER 14th, will be here before we know it. 

I hope and pray you are making plans to be with us

  • Again this year the Celebration Banquet & Dinner is complimentary.  There is limited seating, and you must pre-register.  So, please reserve your seats ASAP!
  • Please consider sponsoring one or more tables at $1,000.00 each.  Or, perhaps you could sponsor one or more couples for $200.00 each.  God may impress on you to be a sponsor for a gift of $1,000 or more.  Whatever the size of your gift, please help us with a sponsorship today. 
  • We look forward to seeing you at our 40th Anniversary Fundraising Banquet.  Please confirm your attendance by filling out the ONLINE response form by August 24th.  You may also register by email at


Again, there is no cost to attend; however, we will be asking you to prayerfully consider becoming a partner with us in taking the message of the Gospel to prisoners and the forgotten and neglected peoples around the world. 

For more information call 972-234-6009.


2018 Cuba Trip Fundraiser

2018 Cuba Trip Fundraiser

We are very excited about our upcoming trip to Cuba in May. We are so glad to have an amazing team of teachers, pastors, and missionaries coming with us. We are especially happy to have such a wonderful group. of supporters and financial partners here who are sending us to share the good news. stay tuned for updates. 

Grace and Forgiveness

The story of Johnny’s miraculous life is told in the book, DELIVERED, R.H. Publishing, Frisco, Texas, publishers. Johnny ministers under the anointing of the Holy Spirit with signs following. His variegated past and unique sense of humor, provide color to his message.

Grace and Forgiveness

By: Dr. Johnny Moffitt

“I am writing to you, dear children, because your sins have been forgiven on account of his name.”

1 John 2:12New International Version (NIV)

I have been going to prisons around the world for over forty years.  Many times I have heard one of these people who have committed terrible crimes, say, “I don’t think I’ve been able to forgive myself because part of me doesn’t believe that I deserve to be forgiven.”

I wish this was an isolated comment, lifted from a single conversation, but I have heard the same confession from hundreds of prisoners and non-prisoners alike, all over the world.  If forgiveness were offered only to those who deserve it, we would all be doomed.  Every one of us.

Here’s one verse we often use as a hickory switch, thrashing ourselves whenever we stumble:

“…for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,”

Romans 3:23 New International Version (NIV)

And that’s true, we have sinned.  We’ve already embraced that reality.  We know we fall short of perfection.  Way short.  But notice something interesting about that familiar verse: it ends with a comma.  Meaning sin is not the whole story.  Check out the rest of the sentence:

“…and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.”

Romans 3:24 New International Version (NIV)

We are not to stop at sin, then; we are to move on to grace.  Freely.  No payment on our part is required, because the cost has already been paid in full, and we’ve been redeemed.  We have done nothing to deserve this free gift.  We simply hold out our hands and say, “Thank you.”

That is grace!  A gift.  With a tag that reads, “For you.”

How often have we fixed on the “sin: and forgotten the “grace”.  No wonder we find it so hard to forgive ourselves.  We’re thinking punishment.  God is thinking Christmas.

It is hard to receive a gift we feel we do not deserve.  But forgiveness is not that kind of gift.  It flows in one direction: from God to you.  And you are worthy---not because you think so, but because God deems it so.

Your heavenly Father is holding out the gift of grace and forgiveness, purchased by his Son’s blood.  No gift has ever cost more.  Receive it and forgive yourself.

Worldwide Voice in the Wilderness

 39th Anniversary Banquet Celebration 

Friday, September 8, 2017

Wyndham Dallas Suites - Park Central

 Reserve your seat now  or 972-234-6009  or 



39th Anniversary Fundraising Banquet

Dear Friends and Partners, 

It is almost Celebration Banquet time. 

Dr. Johnny & Betty Moffitt of Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness

Dr. Johnny & Betty Moffitt of Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness

Please be our guest at: 






7800 Alpha Road, Dallas, Texas


Our Special Speaker, Johnny Moffitt, is the founder and Director of WVIW.

Since his conversion to Christ in 1971, he has risen from being an outlaw biker, non-achiever and a person who only believed in himself, to a leader, teacher, minister, mentor, and a recipient of numerous awards from two Texas Governors, the prison system of Ghana, the Full Gospel Fellowship of Churches and Ministers and Churches, Amigos de Fe Ministries of Mexico, and the Coalition of Prison Evangelists.  His dramatic testimony was told in the book, “DELIVERED”. You don’t want to miss hearing him.


SEPTEMBER 8, will be here before we know it. 

I hope and pray you are making plans to be with us

Again this year the Celebration Banquet is complimentary.  But, there is limited seating, and you must pre-register.  So order your tickets soon.

Please consider sponsoring one or more tables at $500.00 each.  Or, perhaps you could sponsor one or more couples for $150.00 each.  God may impress on you to be a “CONQUERORS” sponsor for a gift of $1,000 or more.  Whatever the size of your gift, please help us with a sponsorship today. 

We look forward to seeing you at “DELIVERED” Fundraising Banquet.  Please confirm your attendance by filling out the ONLINE response form by August 28th.  You may also register by email at


Again, there is no cost to attend; however, we will be asking you to prayerfully consider becoming a partner with us in taking the “DELIVERED” message of the Gospel to prisoners and the forgotten and neglected peoples around the world. 

For more information call 972-234-6009.


International Prison Ministry in Honduras

“Lord,” he said, “now I can die content! For I have seen him as you promised me I would. I have seen the Savior you have given to the world.”
— Luke 2:29-31 Living Bible

Johnny Moffitt praying over the Ministry Leaders at Puerta del Cielo in La Ceiba, Honduras.

International Prison Ministry in Honduras

By: Dr. Johnny Moffitt

That is the way I felt, as I entered the maximum security, National Penitentiary, in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.  We had gone there to minister to the more than 4,000 inmates.  Over 500 men had died from fires in that prison in the last ten years.  Our team consisted of me, Betty (my wife), Travis Moffitt (our son), Pastor David Humphries, missionary Michael Scudiero, missionary Mitch Arbeláez of Go to Nations, our driver and Connect Global Honduras National Director-Jorge Amador, and several local prison volunteers.

I have ministered in prisons in twenty-seven nations, and I have never seen anything like what we witnessed.  After clearing security, we entered the prison.  Immediately, we were met with a gauntlet formed by over 300 prisoners standing on both sides of the sidewalk, for over 100 yards.  The video we took of our passing through this line is over three minutes long.  These men were clapping and cheering and reaching out to shake our hands.  In the background, over the cheering, we could hear the sound of several shofars announcing a call to worship throughout the prison.  I was captivated by this display of love and honor paid to us by these men.

In the yard where we were to have our service, were over 900 men waiting for the Word of God brought to them by this team of Americans.  It was absolutely amazing!  I will never forget it.  We worshiped, danced, sang, and there was great joy in this very dangerous prison.  For just a few hours peace ruled.  And to top it off, over 200 men gave their hearts to Jesus that day.  All glory to Him!!!

After the service, the prisoners actually served the team lunch.  In this prison where food is a valuable commodity, somehow, these men fed us a wonderful meal of chicken, potatoes, and plantains.  I felt like Simeon of old, when he first saw Jesus; “now I can die content.”  I don’t mean today—I mean I am content with my ministry and know I   am doing what God called me to do. 

Worldwide Voice in the Wilderness

 39th Anniversary Banquet Celebration 

Friday, September 8, 2017

Wyndham Dallas Suites - Park Central

 Reserve your seat now  or 972-234-6009  or 



Prison Ministry Video

Please take 4 minutes to watch this exciting video from our last international ministry trip to Honduras. 



Families Impacted by Prison

In June We had the priviledge of speaking in several churches across Honduras

We had a truly great time speaking on a handful of topics, one being how prison impacts families. We sometimes do not realize how many people we know personally or are connected to that are affected by prison.

I hope you find this message informative, encouraging and uplifting! 



When Everything Falls Apart

Johnny Moffitt speaking at the prison in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

In June We had a great opportunity to visit 2 prisons in two of the largest cities in Honduras. 

In all my years of Prison Ministry, I have not seen anything like what we experienced in Honduras.

We truly had a great time in La Ceiba, Honduras. Please take a few minutes to listen to this special message. I hope you receive something great from the Lord! 



Thank You for your prayers and support of our ministry! We are grateful to be sent! 
