The story of Johnny’s miraculous life is told in the book, DELIVERED, R.H. Publishing, Frisco, Texas, publishers. The Book is Available Now for a donation of $15.
A Letter From Johnny Moffitt Treasurer of COPE
Originally Published in the COPE Newsletter
Dear Friends,
2017 looks to be the greatest year for COPE since the early 2000’s. Our new director, Chandra Adams, is proving to be one of the hardest workers for COPE in our history. She is constantly on the road visiting members, prospective members, and related conferences to encourage, share the benefits, and recruit new members. We are indeed blessed to have her on staff.
As treasurer of COPE, I want to tell you that Chandra watches over the COPE funds with diligence and skill. We are growing and have many opportunities to be a blessing to prison ministers around the world. Several members of the board of COPE are working around the world, at their own expense, to help prison ministers wherever they may be.
Brent Bishop from Canada, not only is doing a great job there, he is also in Kenya, East Africa. William Bumphus, of Indianapolis, has been working in Nigeria for many years, as well as across the United States. Our Board President, Bunny Greenwood and her husband, Bobby Greenwood, a board member; myself and my wife and board member, Betty, are not only ministering in America, but Honduras, Mexico, and Cuba. We are building COPE in other nations as well as at home. COPE members are training prison ministers around the world. Come be part of it!!!
In order to maintain the integrity of the COPE organization and be the blessing to hundreds of ministries God has put us together to serve, we need financial support from you. Membership dues alone will not cover the expenses. This fellowship has faithfully served the prison volunteers and ministries for 30 years, all at zero cost to the ones we serve. You will not grow, if you do not give.
I am challenging you as a friend of COPE: if you are not a member—join today.
Whether you are a member or not, give to enable this fellowship to continue to do its work. Why not give a monthly gift to help us provide for our Director and an office where the prison ministers and officials of the world can contact COPE and get the help they need. We need each other!!!
Everyone can give something. Every ministry can do something. Any amount each month from all our members and friends will enable this fellowship to continue to minister and bless those ministries and prison volunteers who need our help. You can do something. Now is the time to do it. Go to the COPE web site,, right now and make your commitment known. Let’s all pull together and make COPE great.
In His Service,
Update: Johnny Moffitt
Photo via Doug Pitman on Facebook
Tomorrow I am off to Shell Lake Wisconsin and Hayward, Wisconsin for two great mission conferences. I always enjoy being there.
Last night WVIW hosted many of our friends and partners at our 38th Annual Celebration Banquet. It was great!! Thanks to all of you who attended and I hope you will put next year's on your calendar.
Betty and I love you.
-Johnny Mofitt
“We strive to make every one of our Marriage Seminars the most blessed and life changing events you will ever attend.”
Legacy in Ministry
“Legacy in Ministry” - A special two day event with Johnny Moffitt and Travis Moffitt.
“Encouragement for ministers in transition, especially those in ministry wth their children."
Topics that will be covered:
Raising up next generation leaders in your organization.
Generational dynamics.
Dealing with generational
Transition roadblocks.Full Schedule:
Friday: Dinner and Fellowship at 6pm, Teaching is 7pm-9pmSaturday: Breakfast and Fellowship at 8:30am, Teaching is 9:30am to noon.The event is free to attend and All meals are provided for free.Location Details:Life ChurchWinnsboro, LA
35th Anniversary Celebration for WVIW Ministries
It is almost Celebration Banquet time.
Please be our guest at:
1655 North Central Expressway
Richardson, Texas 75080
Our Guest Speaker, Ashanti Witherspoon, served 27 ½ years in prison. During the course of that time he rose from being a criminal, militant and a person who only believed in himself, to an educator, leader, teacher, minister, journalist, paralegal, CPR instructor-trainer, life coach, mentor, magazine editor, film maker, motivational speaker and finally, after being featured in the Academy Award nominated documentary, “The Farm - Life Inside Angola Prison”, was set free. Today, Ashanti is Associate Pastor of Miracle Place Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. You don’t want to miss hearing him.
September 20, will be here before we know it. I hope and pray you are making plans to be with us. Information can be found on our web site,
Again this year the Celebration Banquet is complimentary. But, there is limited seating, and you must pre-register. So order your tickets soon.
Please consider sponsoring one or more tables at $500.00 each. Or, perhaps you could sponsor one or more couples for $150.00 each. God may impress on you to be a “CONQUERORS” sponsor for a gift of $1,000 or more. Whatever the size of your gift, please help us with a sponsorship today.
We look forward to seeing you at “The WVIW-HOPE TO BECOME” Fundraising Banquet.” Please confirm your attendance by filling out the ONLINE response form by September 16, 2013. You may also register by email .
Again, there is no cost to attend; however, we will be asking you to prayerfully consider becoming a partner with us in taking the Gospel to prisoners and the forgotten and neglected peoples around the world. For more information go to our web site,, or call 972-234-6009.
Please find attached a Sponsorship Form. Please download, fill it out, and return it to the address below.
Your Servant,
Johnny Moffitt
Founder and President
Worldwide Voice in the Wilderness
PO BOX 740273
Dallas, TX 75374
35th Anniversary Celebration 2013
This year we will enjoy our 35th Anniversary Celebration Banquet. The Theme of this years Banquet is, ‘Hope to Become.’ Our banquet will take place September 20, 2013 and will again be at the
Holiday Inn Richardson
1655 North Central Expressway
Richardson, TX 75080
Registration begins at 6:30, and we will begin promptly at 7:00 P.M.
We are blessed to have Ashanti Witherspoon as our guest speaker.
Call 972 234 6009 to make your FREE reservation.
Thank You Golfers
We really appreciate all of the golfers who joined us Thursday for our annual golf tournament benefiting the ministries of WVIW.
We had 60 golfers in attendace, and gave away over $5000, in great gifts and prizes.
Thank you to all of our sponsors and players who made this tournament a huge success.
We are able to continue rebuilding lives and keeping families together because of your efforts and donations. Click Here to find out more about WVIW Ministries
Join me for one of these services in April. I will be at Miracle Place in Louisiana on the 7th at 11 am and 230 pm. and I will be back in Ft Worth April 14th at City Gate Church.
“This weekend was the epitomy of True Fellowship, True Discipleship, and True, Pure, Love!!!”
Marriage Seminar Update
We have had a great time Friday and Saturday.
We have already heard so many inspiring stories of marriages being strengthened and reinforced. Forgiveness and recommitment are at the forefront of our seminar this weekend.
“We are getting healthy for ourselves, our spouses, and our children!”
Several men shared last night how excited they were to see their wives dedicate or recommit their lives to God.
Please keep us in your prayers today as we finish our last day of this seminar. We are so glad to be here and Sunday always means a lot to all of the couples as well as our volunteers.
Marriage Seminar Update
We have had a great time Friday and Saturday.
We have already heard so many inspiring stories of marriages being strengthened and reinforced. Forgiveness and recommitment are at the forefront of our seminar this weekend.
“We are getting healthy for ourselves, our spouses, and our children!”
Several men shared last night how excited they were to see their wives dedicate or recommit their lives to God.
Please keep us in your prayers today as we finish our last day of this seminar. We are so glad to be here and Sunday always means a lot to all of the couples as well as our volunteers.
Marriage Seminar Attendees
Please begin to pray now for the WVIW Marriage Seminar weekend at the Darrington Unit, the prisoners, the prison staff, and for all to go as smoothly as possible.
I would like to ask you to especially pray for the other volunteers and the inmate couples who will attend this seminar.
The volunteers are:
Omar & Jessica
Randy & Eileen
Martin & Karen
Bobby & Bunny
Richard & Kristi
Mike & Margaret
Randy & Linda
Travis & Gina
Calvin & Nikki
Fred & Nesta
Nathanael & Laura
Myself and Betty.
Thanks very much
Johnny Moffitt.
WVIW Staff need.
Dear Friends,
March 11-13, we are hosting our fifth “Marriage Retreat” for correctional officers and staff in Region II of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. We have received funds to pay for the officer couples from Gateway Church in Dallas, but we need help with sponsoring our staff.
Our volunteer team members pay their own way but the staff must be sponsored. We need sponsorships for four staff couples at $380 per couple. This covers three nights lodging and eight meals for husband and wife.
Would you please consider sponsoring one or more WVIW staff couples for this much needed Marriage Retreat? These officers have a divorce rate of 95%. These retreats have proven to be very effective in the past. In fact we have received the Govenor’s Award for them twice. In 2000 WVIW was named “The Best Family Ministry in Texas” for these retreats.
We need your help. Please help us reach, strengthen, or even save these troubled marriages.
You may donate on line at, or send a check to the address below.
God bless you and your church for all you can do.
Johnny Moffitt
Founder and President
Worldwide Voice in the Wilderness
PO Box 740273
Dallas, TX 75374
FAX 972-234-6050
TDCJ Funding for Chaplains targeted for cuts
Those responsible for cutting the state budget have targeted chaplaincy, and have “zero funded” this entire department from the Texas Department of Corrections.
Chaplains in the State of Texas are trained professionals who manage the religious programs in each Texas Prison.
They help to manage 18,000 volunteers, most of which are helping to bring real life change to inmates.
The short sightedness of this decision cannot be underestimated. The dedicated service of these volunteers is in the hundreds of thousands of hours and results in an estimated $12.6 million of free service in Texas Prisons each year. And the lives of thousands of inmates whose lives are positively impacted or dramatically changed each year is a real saving to the State.
Each inmate who turns from crime and doesn’t re-enter the system, due to the work of chaplains, and the programs they manage, will save the State tens of thousands of dollars in court and prison costs. Those saving will be potentially eliminated if the chaplaincy program is ended. In fact, all a Chaplain has to do to recoup his entire annual salary is to influence one prisoner each year to give up his/her criminal activity.
One senior Prison official said that if the chaplaincy program is cut, the program will have to be managed by a correctional officer or a secretary, who will also be responsible for recruiting volunteers. It is widely believed that volunteer service will then necessarily drop off dramatically. Chaplains also provide “Pastoral Care” for everyone in these correctional facilities. This is a high stress work environment, and the pressures on the families of correctional officers are significant. It is difficult to find a community of 500 people in America which does not have pastoral care. Such care will be very hit and miss without the Chaplaincy Department.
Action Plan: Contact by personal visit, telephone call, letter, fax or email your State Rep and State Senator: 1) The address of your State Representative is: The Honorable (Name), Texas House, P O Box 2910, Austin TX 78768-2910 2) The address of your State Senator is: The Honorable (Name), Texas Senate, P O Box 12068, Austin TX 78711
Also please contact your Statewide Officials: 1) The Honorable Rick Perry, Governor’s Office, P O Box 12428, Austin TX 78711 (no email, must contact through his website) 2) The Honorable David Dewhurst, Lt. Governor’s Office, P O Box 12068, Austin TX 78711, phone, (512)463-0001, fax (512)936-6700, Email 3) The Honorable Joe Straus, Speaker of the House, P O Box 2910, Austin TX 78768, phone (512)463-1000, fax (512)463-1064
What Do You Say? Tell them that it is critical for Texas to continue to fund the Chaplaincy Department, with at least one chaplain in each prison, and that a failure to do so will cost the State much more over the long term than in any perceived budget savings now. Time is Critical HB 1 has Chaplaincy listed as “zero funded” … which means if it is not “funded” in House Bill 1 (the Appropriation Bill), and not “funded in Senate Bill 1( the Finance Bill), in a couple of months both the house and senate will appoint a Conference Committee to work out the differences between HB1 and SB1; It could be TOO LATE if chaplaincy is not “funded” before the conference committee.
Please take a few minutes to contact the 5 officials identified above. And please pray for this issue as well, and for those in the State government who will be deciding this issue over the next couple of months.
Blessings, –
Johnny Moffitt
Founder and President
Worldwide Voice in the Wilderness