“The story of Johnny’s miraculous life is told in the book, DELIVERED, R.H. Publishing, Frisco, Texas, publishers. Johnny ministers under the anointing of the Holy Spirit with signs following. His variegated past and unique sense of humor, provide color to his message.”
Cuba Update
By: Dr. Johnny Moffitt
November 25 – December 1, Betty and I traveled with eight other pastors and ministers to Cuba.
We went there to minister at a regional conference for prison volunteers. Over 400 Cuban pastors and lay volunteers registered at this conference. For three days the team encouraged, taught, and prayed for these wonderful, dedicated Cuban Christians.
We held the conference at a church in the city of Guantanamo. The attendees came from as far away as Havana, but most came from the South East part of the island. Every morning and evening as we arrived at the conference, we found the conference participants on their knees, praying. They were ready to hear the Word of God.
The team did not disappoint. From Scott Hinkle’s ministry and invitation to receive more of Christ, to Pastor David’s ministry of the baptism in the Holy Spirit, hundreds came to the altar day after day and service after service.
Each night after the conference each of us visited a local church to minister. At every church, people were saved, healed, blessed, and received the Holy Spirit. Our Cuba team of translators, guides, and hosts, were also ministered to.
Here are just a couple of their comments:
“I want to share with you that I have already begun to talk to some Pastors involved in the Chaplaincy ministry in my area because I do want to start visiting and sharing the Gospel to the inmates myself. My wife and I have been working for more than 8 months with an inmate who accepted the Lord in our Church when he was on leave for a weekend, visiting his family. Yesterday he phoned me three times from his jail, and I had the privilege to encourage him in the Lord. I believe you have to do with this resolution I’ve made, Thank you. Thank you for helping me to once more stand on my feet with the renewed conviction and the strength the adversary tried to take away from me. Healing from the Lord came to me when you built me up, and my fruits will prove it in time. Thank you for putting your trust in me, when I was so insecure.”
“Thank you so much for your words, because I feel you honor me. I think we do what we have to do to host you in the best possible way we could because you were the ones that blessed us in a wonderful way and that is why we thank God. We feel gratitude and we will always be praying for you, your family and the brothers that support your ministry.
“I hope you are spending a beautiful Christmas with your family. I miss you and love you. I cherish the moments we shared together. It is always quite an honor to be with you. Thank you so much for your love.
Thank you for all you do to help WVIW carry the love of God and the message of Jesus Christ to the least of these—the oppressed—and the special gospel workers in very tough circumstances. It is because you care that we are able to go. May God richly bless you.
It is almost 2018, A very special year for me and WVIW. In June I will turn 75 and WVIW will be 40. It seems like only yesterday that God birthed in me the ministry of prisons around the world. Now 40 years later, we are just beginning. We have more opportunities to make a difference than ever before; more open doors, more invitations, and more favor. God is so good!
If you can help us close out 2017 with a financial gift, please go to our web site, www.wviw.com, and do so by December 31 in order to receive tax credit in 2017.
You can mail your gift to WVIW, PO Box 740273, Dallas, Texas 75374, by midnight December 31.