““Lord,” he said, “now I can die content! For I have seen him as you promised me I would. I have seen the Savior you have given to the world.”
Johnny Moffitt praying over the Ministry Leaders at Puerta del Cielo in La Ceiba, Honduras.
International Prison Ministry in Honduras
By: Dr. Johnny Moffitt
That is the way I felt, as I entered the maximum security, National Penitentiary, in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. We had gone there to minister to the more than 4,000 inmates. Over 500 men had died from fires in that prison in the last ten years. Our team consisted of me, Betty (my wife), Travis Moffitt (our son), Pastor David Humphries, missionary Michael Scudiero, missionary Mitch Arbeláez of Go to Nations, our driver and Connect Global Honduras National Director-Jorge Amador, and several local prison volunteers.
I have ministered in prisons in twenty-seven nations, and I have never seen anything like what we witnessed. After clearing security, we entered the prison. Immediately, we were met with a gauntlet formed by over 300 prisoners standing on both sides of the sidewalk, for over 100 yards. The video we took of our passing through this line is over three minutes long. These men were clapping and cheering and reaching out to shake our hands. In the background, over the cheering, we could hear the sound of several shofars announcing a call to worship throughout the prison. I was captivated by this display of love and honor paid to us by these men.
In the yard where we were to have our service, were over 900 men waiting for the Word of God brought to them by this team of Americans. It was absolutely amazing! I will never forget it. We worshiped, danced, sang, and there was great joy in this very dangerous prison. For just a few hours peace ruled. And to top it off, over 200 men gave their hearts to Jesus that day. All glory to Him!!!
After the service, the prisoners actually served the team lunch. In this prison where food is a valuable commodity, somehow, these men fed us a wonderful meal of chicken, potatoes, and plantains. I felt like Simeon of old, when he first saw Jesus; “now I can die content.” I don’t mean today—I mean I am content with my ministry and know I am doing what God called me to do.
Worldwide Voice in the Wilderness
39th Anniversary Banquet Celebration
Friday, September 8, 2017
Wyndham Dallas Suites - Park Central
Reserve your seat now WVIW.com or 972-234-6009 or bettymoffitt@sbcglobal.net